Five Ways to Keep Yourself Motivated During a Job Search
Staying motivated during a job search is always challenging…especially in today’s competitive market. I should know. I’ve survived four job transitions. After my last layoff, I decided to form my company-High Gain Companies, Inc-to help job transitioners. That was six years ago….Since then I’ve learned a lot about what it takes to stay motivated when you’re in transition. Here are a few tips I’ve learned from successful clients:
1. Set daily goals and structure each and every day. It’s essential that you measure your results so you can see that you’re making progress. 2. Find an accountability partner….someone who will help you stay focused. Choose someone you trust and someone who can be brutally honest with you. DO NOT choose your spouse, significant other or family member….they love you too much.
3. Volunteer your time. Helping others gets you “out of yourself” and gives you more energy and purpose. It feels great to help others.
4. Celebrate your accomplishments. Treat yourself to an ice cream cone or a Snickers bar….something special. Food always does the trick for me.
5. Keep your sense of humor. Read a funny book like “Bossy Pants” by Tina Fey and watch a funny movie. Keep your laugh muscles toned.
4. Celebrate your accomplishments. Treat yourself to an ice cream cone or a Snickers bar….something special. Food always does the trick for me.
5. Keep your sense of humor. Read a funny book like “Bossy Pants” by Tina Fey and watch a funny movie. Keep your laugh muscles toned.
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