Telecommuting Trail Tips
Here are the new workplace realities I see everyday as a personal branding expert: Less Job Security - More Freelancing - Delayed Retirement - Generational Diversity - Increased Telecommuting.
Of these realities, increased telecommunting gets very little attention because it's been around since the late 80's and 90's. We assume that workers know the "ins and outs" of the work-from home option. Telecommuting can be our best friend or our worst enemy....so here are practical trail tips I learned as a telecommuter for six years:
1. Secure a designated space in your home for an office....the kitchen table isn't the best place camp out. Choose a space that is your place and customize it for you and your needs i.e. shelves, printer and laptop space, dedicated phone line, unless you're like me and have gone strickly cell, good lighting, window if possible, sunbox if not, ergonomic chair, whiteboard and above all a "keep out" sign (unless you're in a Les Nesman situation like me-then take over the basement).
2. Get organized and keep a schedule and become very disciplined. Depending on your job, expect to spend a lot of time of conference calls....endless conference calls....boring, droning on-&-on conference calls where they completely forget you're on the line....so learn to multitask.
3. Make it a habit to stay in touch with your organization on a regular basis. "Out of sight, out of mind" is very true when it comes to telecommuting....lots of "things" go on in the corporate office...like project assignments,etc...remind your colleagues you're still on the team. Calls or emails, LinkedIn whatever works.
4. Get dressed every day - business casual is good....ratty workout clothes aren't not. Wearing ratting clothes all day made you feel grungy and crabby....crabby telecommuter's aren't good.
5. Try to keep regular hours....you can work all the time and not realize that you haven't left the house in days - honestly. Take regular breaks.
6. Fight the isolation by moving the office to Panera's one day a week.
7. Remember that you'll be having very interesting conversations with your dog or cat and they always have the best answers!
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