Stinkin’ thinkin’ kills! It zaps your energy, stunts your growth and makes you an all around dull, boring person. We all tell ourselves incredibly stupid lies about ourselves, especially when we’re stressed….like during a career transition. When you need to be at your best, you may find that you’re letting that peanut gallery in your brain take over. Your brain doesn’t know the difference between those lies and what’s real. So when you create negative thoughts and messages, it’s reality to you. When you tell yourself things like “I’m really not that good; “I was just lucky.”. “If they only knew how stupid I really am.” “I’ll never get what I really want.” – you’re re-enforcing negative thoughts about yourself. This thought process sabotages your confidence.
Here’s a few ways to change your “head trash” to “head treasures”
1. Create 2-3 positive statements and repeat them daily; i.e. “I am successful. “I am valued.” “My business is growing.”
2. Begin to act “as if” and project yourself as being confident and successful.
3. Avoid negative people and people who don’t believe in you.
4. Pay attention to your thought process and when you find yourself taking a negative turn, mentally stop the negative conversation.
5. Expect the best to happen. Be optimistic.
How does being positive benefit you? You achieve success faster and easier. You have more energy. You are happier and people want to help you. You have greater personal power and people respect you. Life is fun and you are a powerful, positive force in the world.
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