Author & speaker Daniel Pink (http://www.danpink.com/) sent me a Tweet today about his latest project. He’s the author of “Free Agent Nation”, “Johnny Bunko” and "A Whole New Mind". He’s got a new book coming out in January. This time his focus is motivation. Anyone who’s ever been through a career transition knows how sneaky and elusive motivation can be. When we’re not getting interview, our networking sources seem to dry up….so does motivation.
Until Daniel's new book comes out here are some tips to keep yourself motivated and tide you over:
1. Write down your vision of what your ideal job is – what type of organziation is it. What products/services your company represents. What types of customers and co-workers you have. What you contribute and why it’s important. Put this vision somewhere where you can see it and read it daily. Reviewing your vision regularly helps keep you focused and open to opportunities.
2. Find an accountability partner. Someone you trust (not spouse or significant other-trust me on this) who will hold you accountable for doing what you say you’re going to do for your search. Meeting with you partner weekly for 30-45 mins and having a set agenda will help you keep moving forward
3. Get out of yourself. Give your time and talents to a cause or project you believe in. Volunteering two hours a week is a great motivator. It helps you to remember that you have talents and knowledge that people welcome and appreciate. It gives you purpose and you’re giving back so it’s a win-win.
4. Start blogging and sharing your experiences and knowledge. Blogs are free and easy to create and maintain. Once you’ve set your site up, send out emails to your contacts letting them know about it and asking for feedback/comments. Encourage them to recommend it to others. Blogging becomes a marketing tool for you and motivates you to share your expertise.
5. Create two affirmations for yourself: "I am successful!" "I am very good at my profession." "I deserve to be happy". Repeat these affirmations several times a day and post them on your bathroom mirror.
6. Set your networking sites high. Choose two people you want to meet i.e. the CEO of one of your target companies or the founder of a target company. Choose people who will help you in your job search. Then start asking EVERYONE you talk to if they know these people or could recommend someone you could talk to and get an introduction., This becomes a “mission” for you and you’ll be surprised at how small the world becomes.
Until Daniel's new book comes out here are some tips to keep yourself motivated and tide you over:
1. Write down your vision of what your ideal job is – what type of organziation is it. What products/services your company represents. What types of customers and co-workers you have. What you contribute and why it’s important. Put this vision somewhere where you can see it and read it daily. Reviewing your vision regularly helps keep you focused and open to opportunities.
2. Find an accountability partner. Someone you trust (not spouse or significant other-trust me on this) who will hold you accountable for doing what you say you’re going to do for your search. Meeting with you partner weekly for 30-45 mins and having a set agenda will help you keep moving forward
3. Get out of yourself. Give your time and talents to a cause or project you believe in. Volunteering two hours a week is a great motivator. It helps you to remember that you have talents and knowledge that people welcome and appreciate. It gives you purpose and you’re giving back so it’s a win-win.
4. Start blogging and sharing your experiences and knowledge. Blogs are free and easy to create and maintain. Once you’ve set your site up, send out emails to your contacts letting them know about it and asking for feedback/comments. Encourage them to recommend it to others. Blogging becomes a marketing tool for you and motivates you to share your expertise.
5. Create two affirmations for yourself: "I am successful!" "I am very good at my profession." "I deserve to be happy". Repeat these affirmations several times a day and post them on your bathroom mirror.
6. Set your networking sites high. Choose two people you want to meet i.e. the CEO of one of your target companies or the founder of a target company. Choose people who will help you in your job search. Then start asking EVERYONE you talk to if they know these people or could recommend someone you could talk to and get an introduction., This becomes a “mission” for you and you’ll be surprised at how small the world becomes.
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