Friday, July 22, 2011

Feed Your Spirit!

Our spirit is like a plant….we need to water and feed it regularly. Why? Your spirit takes a real beating during a job search or career transition. We call on our spirit regularly to keep us strong and optimistic. We use our will power and spirit to help us weather the daunting work of being at our best during the search process. However, our spirit can run out of stream. You’ll know your need to feed your spirit when you lose your sense of joy, your sense of humor and your sense of adventure. You need all three to win the career game searching for a new job is a big adventure which can give you great joy. You also need a sense of humor so that you don’t become grim, boring and unimaginative.

There will be times when you want to give up and bury yourself under the covers. Hiding is one option however replenishing your spirit and persisting in your job search is a far better option. We need you in the marketplace. We need your talent and ideas and energy and spirit!

Make a list today of ten ways you can feed your spirit so you’ll have it ready when you need it. Here’s my list and I don’t care if you steal the ideas…sharing is good:

1. Spend an hour in nature just listening.

2. Go to an art museum

3. Meditate

4. Eat ice cream

5. Take a walk

6. Read your favorite book

7. Sing or whistle

8. Look at your favorite photos

9. Play with your pet

Day drea

Feed Your Spirit!

Our spirit is like a plant….we need to water and feed it regularly. Why? Your spirit takes a real beating during a job search or career transition. We call on our spirit regularly to keep us strong and optimistic. We use our will power and spirit to help us weather the daunting work of being at our best during the search process. However, our spirit can run out of stream. You’ll know your need to feed your spirit when you lose your sense of joy, your sense of humor and your sense of adventure. You need all three to win the career game searching for a new job is a big adventure which can give you great joy. You also need a sense of humor so that you don’t become grim, boring and unimaginative.

There will be times when you want to give up and bury yourself under the covers. Hiding is one option however replenishing your spirit and persisting in your job search is a far better option. We need you in the marketplace. We need your talent and ideas and energy and spirit!

Make a list today of ten ways you can feed your spirit so you’ll have it ready when you need it. Here’s my list and I don’t care if you steal the ideas…sharing is good:

1. Spend an hour in nature just listening.

2. Go to an art museum

3. Meditate

4. Eat ice cream

5. Take a walk

6. Read your favorite book

7. Sing or whistle

8. Look at your favorite photos

9. Play with your pet

Day drea

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Game Momentum Changers-Your Job Search

You've applied to twenty companies and got no response. Or, you've gotten the interview, but didn't make the first cut. Or, you secured a phone interview and the call didn't go well. So, now you sit and fume about "if you didn't have bad luck, you wouldn't have any luck!" Your frustration level is off the charts and your confidence is badly shaken....and this is just the first month of your job search!
This calls for a game momentum changer - some event which will change the momentum of your job search in your favor. An action that will help you regain your perspective. It can be a huge victory like acing an interview or some small and significant win like creating a fresh, new cover letter. Here are a few other momentum changers:
  • Volunteer an hour of your will contribute to others and feel good about yourself
  • Complete a project you've been meaning to finish and feel like you're accomplished something.
  • Help another job seeker who's asked for your help-helping others is a great momentum changer
  • Write down the five accomplishments you're proudest them out loud. Notice how your pride of accomplishments builds
  • Write a hand-written note to a colleague just to touch base.
  • Call a friend and meet for coffee - talk about how well your search is going even if it isn't..."act as if"
You can change your job search momentum by positive actions and thoughts. Try some if out this week and let me know how well they worked for you!