Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Tribute to Stan the Man

Today's is my father's birthday. He would have been 103 years old. And even though he's been gone for more than ten years, I think about him every day. I think about how he hated flies because "he knew where they'd been". I think about him every time I leave my back door open because he'd tell us to "close the door...were you born in a barn?".
He was born Stanley Edgar Echternacht. He changed Edgar to Edward because he didn't like Edgar. He fought in Burma in WWII; went to pharmacy school on the GI bill; owned a small-town pharmacy for more than fifty years and loved Nebraska. He knew the license plate number for every county. My father was brilliant. He worked crossword puzzles with a pen and took naps. He and my Mom Rita raised five children. He and my grandfather built several Sears kit houses in my home town and they also built our first house. Stan was not a good visitor, but he was kind and loving and generous and my brothers and sister called him "Stan the Man" because he was the best man we ever knew and we were lucky to have him for our father.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Take Back Your Career

I've taken back my career four times. The first time I was laid off I was completed devastated. I didn't see it coming and I wasn't prepared I didn't have a current resume. My network was nonexistent. I didn't know where to start a job search or who I needed to talk to about getting another position. My job search took several months. When I finally found another job, I promised myself I'd never been unprepared again. However, I soon forgot that promise because I was feeling comfortable...I couldn't get laid off again. Yeah, right! Little did I know I'd be laid off three more times. After the second time, I kept my promise. In today's market with restructures and buyouts, job security is gone. Do yourself a favor and update your resume, rebuild your network and begin building a strong personal brand. Better yet, buy my book-Take Back Your Career!