I used to spend hours waiting for"something to happen" in my life. I guess I thought I'd get a note from above saying "go write a book" or "be in Chicago in front of the John Hancock Building at 9AM-the answer will be there". I kept searching for the answer to what I was supposed to do next. I always looked for external signs-someone or something had the answer.
I've discovered it doesn't work that way-the answer has and is always been in me. I figured out that if I starting "listening" to myself....quietly and gently...the answers started coming. When I was agitated and negative or angry, I didn't get any information.
Try this....go to a quiet, peaceful, positive place in your mind. Pay attention to ideas that come to you. Notice what you're thinking about. What options start to appear? What people start coming into your life? Start asking for what you want. Ask for guidance. Remember that everything happens for a reason...nothing is happenstance -the universe is very orderly and has wonderful experiences waiting for us.
One last thought: using your personal power for positive results lifts the universe on the whole. We are all one. So when one of us contributes, all of us share!